SAK’D Soundtrack Samples Now Online

Now you can check out some of the original music from the game!

We’ve been very fortunate to have brilliant and experienced music composers / sound engineers like Simon Schumph and Brandon Vix as part of our team, putting together some original music that coincides with the hundreds of diverse incidents, environments and emotions that Sak will explore during his adventure. From a quiet and peaceful lake at night, to the wet and frozen depths of a glacier, the inside of an active lava tube, or climbing the black stone towers of a haunted castle, Sak’s adventure is an adventure in music and sound diversity we hope everyone will enjoy as much as the game itself.

So (mostly because we were just dying to let everyone have a listen), we’ve decided to post a few select tracks to Soundcloud and our website along the way. The entire soundtrack will be available separate from the game after launch but for now you can get all that your ears can eat. Feel free to click some of the tracks from SAK’D below, then sit back, close your eyes and imagine yourself in another world full of magic and monsters.

Other killer music tracks and sound effects will be coming down the pipe every now and then as we decide to leak ’em, so check the Game page or to Soundcloud for updates. 

We’ve created some cover art to go with each of the individual music tracks in SAK’D to help put your imagination in the mood. You can check out the track covers by clicking an image below.